Friday 9 May 2014

Robert Van Arsdell articles on Celtic coinage

Front dust-jacket of the 1989
edition of Celtic Coinage of
Britain by Robert Van Arsdell
As today will be very busy for me, I knew that I would not have enough time to post the next installment of "The Emperor's New Clothes" and thought that if I posted anything at all. it might have to be something trivial about urban wildlife in Calgary. Happily, though, Bob emailed me yesterday afternoon to say that he had put up a number of his articles on his Celtic Coinage of Britain website that had mostly been published in Spink's Numismatic Circular.

These include his nine articles on Celtic coin semiotics, which was something I was looking forward to appearing as this very difficult subject rarely appears in Celtic coinage literature. There are also publications about new types discovered since his book was published; a very useful reconstruction of the types and numbers of coins found at Wanborough, and more.

You can see the index of his articles here.

Remember, too, that the main site is the online version of his important 1989 book which was published by Spink which sold out quickly and is now very difficult (and expensive) to find. It is the standard reference for British Celtic coinage.

I will be back on Monday with the next installment of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Have a great weekend.

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